Important data about the route, such as how much the ticket costs on average, the departure time of the buses, the distance between cities, the travel time to and other interesting information
On the website of the international carrier Ticket Bus Travel, bus routes to European countries, including Slovakia, Ugorshchina and the Czech Republic, and the direct route Uzhgorod - Zilina are listed. Tickets for this flight can be purchased online at a great price.
How much do tickets cost for the Uzhgorod – Zilina route?
You can book a ticket for the bus Uzhgorod - Presov for ten dollars. Registered members of the site can receive insurance at a savings discount of 3%. Additional discounts are provided for children up to 12 years of age, pensioners up to 60 years of age.
How many routes are there on this route today?
On our service you can buy a ticket for the bus route Uzhgorod - Zilina, choosing a convenient departure time and date for you. Today there are 3-4 direct flights from the Uzhgorod AS. Both daytime and nighttime trips.
In which places are the stops planned?
By purchasing a ticket for the Uzhgorod - Zhilina bus from us, you don’t have to worry about the comfort and safety of your trip. As the water rises, remove the grains in the prepared areas so that passengers can drink less. To find out in which places the bus stops, you can contact our manager.
Advantages of contacting the carrier Ticket Bus Travel
It is worth buying a ticket for the Uzhhorod - Zhilina bus in advance, because tickets for this direction sell out quickly. We organize trips on modern comfortable buses with experienced drivers. Book tickets Uzhgorod - Zhilina in time to occupy the most comfortable seats in the cabin. For consultation, contact the specialists of our call center.