Today you can get from Ivano-Frankivsk to Prague as quickly as possible on comfortable buses, tickets for which can be bought online at Ticket Bus Travel. We offer high quality service with a guarantee of safe transfer at low prices.
How much does a ticket cost on the route Ivano-Frankivsk - Prague?
Tariffs for purchasing bus tickets from Ivano-Frankivsk to Prague are listed on our website. You can book a ticket at a price of 1500-1750 UAH. Registered users of the service are offered a cumulative 3% discount on each trip. Children under 12 years of age and passengers over 60 years of age can count on additional bonuses.
You can book a ticket for the Ivano-Frankivsk – Prague flight immediately with your return trip.
What are the features of the Ivano-Frankivsk – Prague route?
If you are planning to book a ticket for the Ivano-Frankivsk - Prague bus, you should familiarize yourself with the flight details. Travel time averages 21 to 24 hours. During the trip, the bus easily covers a distance of 752 kilometers.
How many flights on the route occur per day?
On our website you can buy a ticket for the Ivano-Frankivsk - Prague bus, which leaves daily at 11.00, and on some days at 14.40 from the AS-2 Pasichnaya bus station. The number of daily flights is 2-3.
In which cities will there be stops?
If you are planning to visit the Czech Republic, we recommend purchasing a ticket for the route Prague - Ivano-Frankivsk on our website in a few clicks. The bus makes stops in cities such as Kalush, Dolina, Stry, Lviv, Krakovets, Rzeszow, Krakow, Kotowice, Brno. This allows passengers to relax on a long journey.
Advantages of using Ticket Bus Travel
Buying a ticket for the route Prague - Ivano-Frankivsk with us is profitable and easy. Bus passenger transport is carried out daily to various European countries. It is worth booking a ticket for the Ivano-Frankivsk - Prague bus in advance to take the most convenient seats for you. Place your order and visit one of the most picturesque cities in the Czech Republic. If necessary, contact a specialist from our call center.